January is that notorious month where resolutions of all sorts are made. It is the time of year when everyone wants to make a ‘fresh’ start in some way or other! There are promises to give up bad habits, eat more healthily, give up alcohol, exercise more, keep in better contact with friends and family, the list is endless….
Here at Café Riva we’re betting that healthy eating features high on most people’s list of resolutions. Sometimes, however it can be hard to know where to start. Many people are now working from home and don’t have the option of popping out to a local delicatessen at lunchtime. While there has been a substantial increase in home baking fewer people are being inspired to prepare healthy homemade lunches and evening meals. Recipes often require long lists of ingredients and are frequently only suited to those proficient in cooking. Our experience in Café Riva is that people are planning ahead and contacting corporate catering companies like ourselves to have nutritious meals delivered to their homes. Surprisingly for this time of year we have received frequent requests for winter salads.

Salads are very often associated with warm sunny days and alfresco dining. They are crunchy and cold, easy to prepare so therefore perfect for a summer snack, lunch or even an evening meal. Winter is a different story! A bowl of raw vegetables doesn’t seem quite so appealing! However, salads are extremely versatile and there’s no rules regarding what can or cannot go into them. That’s where warm winter salads e.g. Warm Roast Carrot & Goat’s Cheese Salad, Warm Lentil & Beetroot Salad, Warm Cajun-style Pork Salad are often the dishes of choice! They’re quick and easy to prepare and full of nourishment.
Here we will share our recipe for our most requested salad this month and we hope it will kick start your healthy regime! While it isn’t a warm salad per se this can be changed by a last minute addition of an ingredient like warm chorizo. It makes a delicious lunch or side dish and will keep in the fridge for a few days, ideal if you are working from home!
Café Riva’s Roast Butternut Squash and Quinoa Salad
- 1 small Butternut Squash, peeled, seeded and cut into chunks.
- 1 tablesp. Olive Oil
- 2 tablesp. Maple Syrup
- Salt & Pepper
- 200g. Cooked Quinoa
- 75g Pomegranate Seeds (or 75g Dried Cranberries)
- 1 tablesp. Chopped Parsley
- 2 tablesp. Apple Cider Vinegar
- 1 tablesp. Wholegrain Mustard
Pre-heat oven to 200⁰C/400⁰F.
Mix olive oil, 1 tablesp maple syrup, curry powder, salt & pepper together in a bowl.
Add the prepared squash and mix until completely coated. Empty onto a baking tray, place in oven and roast for approx. 15 mins until tender.
Mix Apple cider vinegar, mustard, remaining maple syrup together in a bowl. Add the cooked quinoa, chopped parsley, pomegranate seeds, salt & pepper & cooked squash. Gently stir & it’s ready to serve or store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days.
Remember Café Riva is a Luxury Catering Company. We will prepare any of the dishes listed on our website and deliver them to your home. Minimum portions for each dish applies. You can send us a list of your choices and request a quote.